Vaccinations Administered, a Laceration Sutured, and a Tongue-Tie Clipped, all done in my Patients’ Homes

Above is a picture of me with my cooler of vaccines! This last 24 hours has been exciting! I have given a 2 month old his vaccines, sutured a laceration on a 9 year-old’s leg, and clipped a baby’s tongue-tie that was causing breastfeeding pain–all in my patients’ homes!

This is an exciting and challenging experience. In the office or the Emergency Room, all of my supplies are right there, but when I go to someone’s home, I have to bring everything with me. In addition, I am now wearing disposable gowns, gloves, and a surgical mask (a mask for me and masks for the family) for each visit–to prevent everyone’s exposure to Coronavirus. I treat every person as if they are an asymptomatic spreader.

This world will be changed by COVID-19. I think bringing medicine back to people’s homes will be a good change.